I stir the pot, fix the holes, and observe the reality as it is. Propagandist for hire.

Beyond 60 Minutes

Added on by Ridzki.

In less than 15 minutes, it will be the official earth hour in Jakarta, Indonesia a place where the writer currently resides. This blog entry is made solely on the battery power of my laptop and without any other source of electricity. For the matter of publishing the writer is using a USB dongle of 3G internet service and hopefully it will reign on.  Update: at least one of the building in Jakarta turning of their lights, which is kinda neat, but the rest.... 

Update 2: just heard some malls are actually turning off their lights cool :) although Malaysians are very daring to turn off the Petronas Twin Towers.

Update 3: The Flickr Photo Group have the picture of Jakarta during the Earth Hour, you can find it here. There is a very clear picture on Sampoerna Strategic Square turning their lights off and some other beautiful picture as well.

It is another earth hour this year, and unlike the previous one, tonight is backed by many organisation and public figures (in Jakarta), the message is very clear and concise, do something for mother earth and do it tonight by switching off the lights for 60 minutes. 

After that then?

The trend to care of the environment have been gradually increasing; we have seen many movies, lectures, seminars, and music concerts to address this awareness. However those all would meant nothing if the care for the environment is only present at that particular time. 

What’s next after earth hour? that’s the part that haven’t being explained by the organising committee of the earth hour, will people continue to their daily habit again and next year to do this same routine again, to vote earth again on 2010? I certainly hope not. The idea of voting for earth is not by just turning the lights off for 60 minutes during the earth hour only, the real deal is how to vote for earth everyday in our life. 

Sceptics of the earth hour and the global warming have something in common, their disbelieve of the event and the ability of people to keep up to vote earth. Although it is very simple to do something for the environment which can be done in their daily lives. Use the public transport, bring your own case when you’re taking away food, and simply, use less paper and many other things that we, ordinary people can do. 

Do not let this just become a trend, a media over-hype and just something people do to achieve credibility. So turn off your lights tonight, however the real business starts after this, change your daily habit and act beyond 60 minutes. Keep voting for earth.



ps: just for the fun of it now I'll shower in the dark

Cheap Internet: Does It Possible (part 2 of Indonesians & Their Internet Culture)

Added on by Ridzki.

Update: The Ministry of Communications and  Information Technology said that the cost of the Internet will be reduced to allow greater acceptance with the public. Hope this will be the key to provide better utilisation of the Internet to the masses. news taken from here Update 2: The cost of the Internet will be lowered after the legislative election on April 9th. A way to attract the voters? I'm sure the user will not put too much care on it

On my last post I was talking about the lack of use of email as a mean of effective communications. There are several factor that made this e-mail communication did not become a reliable and effective method of communications.The pressing matter is the availability of the cheap internet access. When I meant cheap, I also meant that it have to be reliable in good quality (in terms of speed and signal) to ensure the process of effective communication.

Indonesia is steadily improving in its internet access, however it is far from satisfactory. In comparison with countries like Malaysia or Singapore, who enjoys cheaper price of Internet for better quality, Indonesia seems like a country full of choices but none of the choices could be considered best. Real life example should apply here; Telkomspeedy the sole provider of ADSL internet access in Indonesia as a whole, have put the price of Rp. 450.000 for their 3GB quota, while Malaysia with their Streamyx cost as much but with no cap (www.telkom.com, www.streamyx.com).

Well we can always look for scapegoat for every matter in Indonesia, which include on this laying of price, however, that is not the point of this writings. The point is how do we can achieve what Malaysia and Singapore have been able to achieve. Of course there would be a lengthy discussion and regarding what could and should be done regarding this matter, a project proposal, and to the point of acceptance and rejection.

Telkom as the national telecommunication services would automatically handling the ADSL route of Internet connection. This act as a double edged blade, first as Telkom had the technology and infrastructure they could readily deliver ADSL internet access, however, being the sole provider would mean that the market is monopolised by Telkom. There are however, gaps that could not filled by Telkom and its ADSL access, there are the people who are always on the move, People who are unsatisfied with the package offered by Telkomspeedy access and people who does not have phone line yet (but of course they have mobiles). This over the time creating a new number of ISP with competitive price and package, however, none of the new ISP are targeting the third of the market, because of the lack of infrastructure and low number of Internet user in Indonesia (only 10% of Indonesian uses Internet regularly out of its 200 million people (Kompas, 27 December 2008)) Based on the situation above it could be determined that there are several things could be done in order to sort this problem out.

1 Lower the price of Telkomspeedy, this can be done by subsidising the cost of the Internet from the education budget. 2 Build infrastructure that could support the other ISP to provide internet access other than the big cities. 3 Provide training of basic internet feature (data collection via google, correspondence via e-mail, etc.) in school, government offices and people who need to interact with other people. 4 Make a program to use the Internet for regular correspondence, for example; Students from two different secondary schools across cities in Indonesia will try to correspondence with each other via email, they could share stories or pictures regarding their school etc. 5 Create an awareness to use email as a medium for correspondence and point out the the advantage of using email rather than snail-mail. 6 Build a proper library with cheap and qualified internet access, for people who does not have computer to use.

Onno W. Purbo have an interesting idea on how to achieve low cost internet by using a frying pan. There are wiki articles on how it could be achieved; 



*both of the link is on Bahasa Indonesia.

The basic idea is to share internet services in community where one household would act as the primary user for the service, while at the same time sharing the connections with people in the community. The frying pan would act as the receiver in other households. 

By using this method, people in community could actually bear the cost of the Internet together, which is rationally going to be cheaper, thus achieving the more effective communications.


Tell me the answer please?

Added on by Ridzki.

Do you know the difference between the prepared & the unprepared? One would have a parachute ready from a falling plane, the others would only have prayers so death could come as quickly as it is and no pain would be involved.

Do you know the differences between the wanted and unwanted?

The ones with the parachute would have people waiting for their return, because everybody would think that every passengers are given a parachute.

And finally, in an interesting twist of fate, guess which position am I in now?

Happy New Year Everyone!

Added on by Ridzki.

Although it seemed too cliché, yet we are still keen to repeat the greeting for centuries. and thus in the beginning of this year I am wishing you all to be patient, as at the end of the year we are faced with injustice, war and the reality that our progressions is meant so little compared to the regression that we took. Therefore in the happiness that most of us gained, there should also be a concern for our step backwards. In this occasion as well I would like to present a little promises, which some people called as "New Year's Resolutions", while people in the mental health awareness have been notifying the hazard of making a resolutions. I personally still think that this is need to be done over the course of years, to keep ourselves in the track of life and achieve our personal goals. 

Therefore, these are my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Be more wiser and ready to take actions. 

2. Be a loving person for her.

3. Be closer to God, my family and her.

4.  Get my driver's license.

5. Read more.

6. Write more.

7. Open up to new people , their way of life , the way they think and their beliefs and be tolerant about it.

8. Learn to save up my money.

9. Go even greener (target: use no plastic bag at all).

10.  Get healthy and stay that way.


Well that's about it and hopefully I could keep up to it



Indonesians & Their Internet Culture (part 1)

Added on by Ridzki.

Internet in Indonesia have been existed for quite a very long time, most early adopters would still remember the ugly days of using dial-up connections, visiting plasa.com and trying to log on to gain pornographic material. Today Indonesians fondness of internet and its content (which include pornographic material, celebrity gossip, information of stock exchange, social sites, online gaming, etc.) is climbing towards the peak. This could be seen not only by the increasing number of the cyber cafes but with the increase of people filling the normal cafe with their laptops or other 802.11 gadget, and increasing number of ISP. There are however several issue that did not resolve along with the increase the internet usage in Indonesia, first is the utilisation of the internet to increase productivity, second is cost of the internet service. The two issues will affect one another, awareness of the importance of internet as a mean of effective communication will increase the number of ISP thus increased market competition therefore reduced cost of the internet could be achieved. This will bring us to the topic of the writing, first how to use internet as a mean for effective communication for professionals and casuals alike and second what can be done to reduce the cost of the internet.

The forgotten one: e-mail To kick-start the utilisation of internet as a productivity machine I believe we need not to look forward, the technology that allow us to be productive is already present ever since the birth of the internet itself, which is the e-mail.

Along with the now popular blogs and forum, e-mail has been the starting line in internet interaction, before you can join forum, make blog, playing online game, chat, buying stuff over the net you got to have an e-mail address. An e-mail address will show who you are; for instance kids and adolescent e-mail address will differ with those professionals or grand parents. E-mail address also is an important part of the public address of company to NGOs, government departments to The Ministry, both public and private school as well. Unfortunately despite the increasing number of internet user and thus e-mail user, the usage of e-mail in Indonesia (as a mean of communication) could be called tragic.

Why tragic? to make a clear picture regarding this tragedy, let me tell you my story on job and information hunting;

After graduation I have been trying to convince my parents that the good thing to do is to continue my studies, get my postgraduate degree and look for work overseas, unfortunately they are not very keen of the idea, stating reasons that I need to experience in the working environment and taking postgraduate degree could be done later on in life. I swallow the bitter pill and began looking for work and information, I look for jobs over the internet and newspaper over the time. So far there is nothing different than the average Joe right? however, being a firm environmentalist I always try to sent my application through e-mail to various companies, in order not to waste paper. Over the time, none of the local company reply regarding the availability, even though their advertisement still present on the job seeking site.

So I kept wondering what went wrong with my application that is being sent through e-mail? A few possibilities remain; first, my resume is not good enough for their criteria, second, there are already a person filling for the position and lastly they just does not open their e-mail account periodically. Giving the fact that Indonesian, are not very fond of their e-mail based communication, I began to suspect that the reason they did not inform me back regarding my application is because I contacted them through e-mail not by actual or physical mail. Thus I began to look over the company websites, and unfortunately as well, some of them are very difficult to navigate, others are still on construction and some even have been expired. Therefore there are no other form of two way communication other than phone call.

The stories above are one of the example of how Indonesians still do not consider email as a mean of effective communication. a second example might be a simpler, try picturing a craftsman who would like to expand his market. He could promote his crafts by two means; produce an advertisement or waiting for buyers to come, we will not elaborate more on how the way he sit, instead we looked up how he could market his crafts. First, he could produce few brochures regarding his product and will try to market it nationally or even internationally via email or other internet interaction or he can come to the advertising agency, pay some amount of money and let them create a giant billboard and put it on the side of the main road. No need for a calculator for this one, the cost of producing email and sending it are cheaper than producing a giant billboard. This second example would only work in several condition, however, To target a national buyer, the buyer should also have internet connection and second, e-mail might easily reach people around the world, however it is also easily ignored, therefore there is a need to set up an internet marketplace; a blog, or social website account might just do it.

Therefore, given the increase of interaction between people in the world and the ever growing conscience on our impact to the environment, I believe e-mail could be an important substitution if not a complement of how we should interact with one another, both professionally and casually. People and the government of Indonesia thus, should care more regarding the use of e-mail, and by doing so hopefully, the internet is no longer a place to download any pirated intellectual property and porn but as a place to learn and growing.

Something Mediocre for Someone Special

Added on by Ridzki.

I guess when a person consider somebody in their life special, they will choose their words carefully around that person, they will act, behave and told things differently compared what that person actually do in real life well at least that holds true for me for me. Because I don’t think somebody so special deserve something so mediocre.

However, how mediocre a word is or sentences are they will build up into something special.

And with this I would say something mediocre for someone special for me:

I am sorry if I ever let you down I am sorry if I ever make you sad or mad I am sorry for everything that I’ve done.

But I love you and I really do

And now the distance had separated us, I began to fill there’s something had been missing Something that can be filled by you. I miss you and I really do.

Politics Are Funny

Added on by Ridzki.

Politics are funny. It made me laugh more than comedy.Politics are heavy. It made me annoyed more than coffee. Politics are sad. (because) The people around it are mad. Politics are tools. (yet) Somehow we are the fools Politics did not abridge. It enlarge the corner of the ridge

Politician need skills. In order to kill Politician need honey. Or is it the money? Politicians are corrupts. And we can only go harrumph Politician’s (thinks) divine. That’s because of all the wine Politicians are cruel. All the laws in the world are null

And this is the ballads of the politics.

Do fancy gadgets ensure more productivity?

Added on by Ridzki.

Imagine this, you're visiting the other guy's office, turns out all of their staff working on the shiny aluminium entry level iMac, back at your office, you only equipped by your boss with the Dell tower + the standard monitor, keyboard and mouse. You run Windows XP pro and the other guy using OS X leopard, however, the catch is both of you are having the same computer in the terms of specifications and only differs in the operating system used and of course, the chance of using a fancy computer (as Bruce and Fred implies). Thus at the end of the day why do you did not have the same motivation or could produce the same productivity compared to the other guy? (assuming you guys were working on the same field) Now imagine this, your wife cooks in a completely standard kitchen and for her book club meeting she made a buffalo chicken wings. The other guy wife, also make the buffalo chicken wing in a fully modernised kitchen, however the same ingredients were used.  How come at the book club meeting all the people come to the other guy's wife's chicken wing and not your wife?

And finally in an article in the lifehacker, the guy who created Ubuntu promised that in a period of two years he will create a linux distro which will be more prettier and flashier than OS X. All is done to get people to use Ubuntu and thus creating more support towards it. 

All of the examples above were suggesting that prettier and flashier machinery or equipment will make yourself more motivated and eager to do work thus increasing productivity. To put it into more sense, it is all about the user experience, whether to create a simple proposal or creating a tables with number or even to show off a fancy presentation. This user experience have to some extend push a creation to become more and more fancier thus giving better user experience. 

However, for some people this is just a lot of gibberish. Better user experience would not ensure that a person will work more productively, it is all just depending on the person, well I myself also couldn't agree more.

Anyway, what about the rest of the world? does a fancier machine and better user experience will make you more productive, or does simplicity and easier manipulation of the tool is the key to happy boss?

I personally think it is depending on the person him/herself, and well a pretty equipment does help sometimes. 



Lightcraft and Silent Scenery Album Launch

Added on by Ridzki.

Update: It seems that Junk Magazine have fully adopted this writing without even acknowledging me or Azhana (yeaa they acknowledge her by saying she provided additional info). My comments for this matter; please don't do it again Junk, it is rude and will make your magazine loses credibility; and secondly when you get "additional infos" from other person, just make sure that you have understood what the infos are all about, for example Lightcraft bassist went MIA not actually the name of the bassist is MIA. It was a great day for a great event for music, two took place in Malaysia and another in Singapore. Leave all the Asia Awards and Fest to the other music fans and journalist. I am here to write a review regarding an event took place in The Annexe Gallery. Lightcraft and Silent Scenery, two well known indie bands in Malaysia, are deciding to release their album together, a debut for Silent Scenery and sophomore for Lightcraft. Along the night there are also performances from other great names such as Leaders on Sunday, Lurks (last minute replacement for Telebury) and Inspirative coming all the way from Thailand.

Being fashionably late, the event kicked off at 8.30 PM, started by Leaders on Sunday, self proclaimed crunk band which are motored by 3 of their member Rushdi, Shariman and Nabil. The guys give out an upbeat set for all the people that have been waiting, at one point during their show the MC tell out that the band were formed because one of the member girlfriend is ditching him because she attracted to some underwear model.

Leaders on Sunday

Second on the bill is Inspirative, hailing all the way from Thailand this band had already make head turns during their check sound sessions. It's unique and fresh, like how tom yum soup will make you warm and then continued with mango rice which are cool and soothing. The band played mostly their instrumental track with one (or is it two?) tracks with lyrics. This band really is the black horse of the night providing the great mood swing.


On the third, there is one of the main show of the night, Silent Scenery, equipped with a celloist the band which describe themselves as emotronic, rocked out with the audience. At one time the vocalist Kit, said that the band will play differently than the other band as they would not stopped between songs, strangely they did, but it was forgiveable as they started to explain about the event and how they met with Lightcraft and planning the event together.

Silent Scenery

Next on the stage is Lurks being the last minute replacement for Telebury, they really are not dissapointing. Sounded like Depeche Mode or some might say Joy Division, they are the most rocking out band of the night. Again the mood of the audience is being changed drastically to a bit dark, I guess it is quite needed to ensure that the audience is still in the place and kept interested.


Lastly come the star of the show, although this event can be said that it is a collaboration between Lightcraft and Silent Scenery, most of the audience were clearly waiting for Lightcraft on stage. They come out with almost their original formation with the exception of Efry on bass. The sound of Lightcraft although still very British, are being added with more complexity and maturity especially on the track All In My Mind and The Girl Who Went to War. Imam being the front man are clearly very nervous on that night, however, that did not make their performance become any less entertaining.  There are quite a few surprise on the night especially when they are trying to play their first Indonesia song, which surprisingly great sounding and also when the audience asking for the encore which come answered by playing I Don't Know What It Is.


Finally the event ended, tired but amused the audience went back to their homes, sharing the experience which are clearly could not be found in Genting or Singapore. and yeah.. did I mention we get a free muffins?



What the hell happened here?

Added on by Ridzki.

Apparently sending SMS to some number with hefty cost will make you change the fortune of your life or changing your destiny here in Indonesia This is even lower compared to the two actresses. sigh.


Stuck in a transition.

Added on by Ridzki.

I am in a period of transition right now, waiting for a revelation which will come soon. For the first time in my life now, I was unsure about things to do with my life, ironically, I feel contented with it. Nevertheless let's try to enjoy this so called "short" holiday



Gorilla (Monster) Pod, a review

Added on by Ridzki.

Ever since I bought my new digital camera, I always found difficulty to take timed pictures which include myself on it. This is mainly because : first, I didn't have a tripod, second,We were unfortunate enough to take pictures in a place that didn't have elevated flat surface and lastly I didn't trust random people easily to take pictures with my camera (because sometimes the pictures would turn out to be bad) Then one day after reading an article in lifehacker, regarding a tripod which you could use ANYwhere and attach itself to almost anything. The tripod itself is called a gorilla pod (even though I didn't see the resemblance between the tripod and gorilla (it look more like a monster to me)), it is bendy, small and lightweight thus essentials for photographer who is always on the go.

Finished with the article I went to the product website, found out that the price for the tripod is USD 25 (with international shipping, the total would be USD 45) for the packaged. The "eco-packaged" is priced cheaper due to the lack of packaging (USD 22), and both comes with 6 different colours.

Then yesterday, I went to the Sunway Pyramid and see that there is a promotional fair of digital photography and video recording with brands like Nikon, Canon, Samsung and JVC presents. Interested I went to the one of the booth and realised that they have the original gorilla pod, priced only for RM 50 or USD 16. To make the review short I bought it, and tried as soon as I got back.

The first impression I got when I have the Gorilla Pod that felt light yet sturdy, of course because of its ability to bend, it somehow looked very bizarre and creepy in some kind of way. Then I attached the clips onto my digital camera and begin to play around with its "tentacle". The very first position that I tried is of course the normal tripod position and found that it is very stable on the flat surface.

Next position would be more difficult like attaching it on my chair's handle, very stable as well

Well after this I'll try to attach my camera on it, but I don't dare enough to put it in my chair handle, thus I put it on my water bottle, and then again it was stand there like it was climbing it, very stable.

The tripod also comes with safety precaution for those worried about their camera. It included the lock to securely attached your camera which can be seen in the picture below.

In conclusion, I was very satisfied with the product and believe that USD 25 is already a good price. It is very secured and strong when it is attached to any surface, Joby also provide the Gorilla Pod for DSLR and DSLR zoom for those looking one (of course different price). The only drawback with this tripod that I found is that sometimes it is hard to turn the lock or to detach your camera from the tripod, other than that it is top notch.


I'm on Junk!!

Added on by Ridzki.

Well not me actually, it's one of the photography I sent for the feedback cover contest 2 months back. Last month edition did not mention mine and there is no email to confirm that I'm winning anything then, thus I didn't even think that it will get accepted. Well anyway, I had 2 photographs that I was considering to sent to Junk, on the advice of lintang, I sent the first one, which features Petaling Street at dusk (which I also used on one of my post). 



The other one is more monochromatic, only featuring a blue balloon on the end of the photo, which can be seen below. This is taken on Sunway College while waiting for the Cultural Night audition. 



And today when I was going to bookstores and checking on the magazine stands a new edition of Junk was there, based on premonition I checked out the Feedback sections and lo and behold. 



It was accepted!, haha this is even better than finishing my pharmacology exams earlier. At some point, however, I was embarrassed that I did not include my full name and IC and this makes them to put the notification to tell me that better send it next time.

Back to the purpose of sending the picture, it was to confirm whether one could produce a good/artistic photography with the use of normal P&S camera (non lomo or DSLR) and with this I think I already get the answer.

Well anyway, thanks for Junk to feature my photo and Lintang for giving me advice on which one should I picked.



Thanks tang

Added on by Ridzki.

Much love for you, for your love and understanding for this three days, helping me in my weakest states.  Much love for you my light at the end of the tunnel

My brightest stars among others in the skies

My loveliest of everything I had.  

Tools to keep up and running

Added on by Ridzki.

As much as I wanted to keep up this blog, I still haven't figure out how to manage the time writing this while writing my reports as well and sorting out my life. Fortunately lifehacker.com had a post on 10 tools that can help us in keeping up our blog, which is probably could get pretty handy at times. As I read through the commentaries I found out that there is something interesting, it is about  Windows live writer, which is a privilege to Windows users only. My good friend Gerry had mentioned in his post. Unfortunately for OS X user did not have this privilege, which is quite embarrassing as the it had and always been portrayed as the creative machinery. 

Well anyway, I would probably try some of the tools provided above, and write another post again. 


Such is life

Added on by Ridzki.

And after all that, the sun would still rises on the east

the world is still keeping its pace.

time is as cruel as ever, crushing many behind.

our mind is still free and wild as it could be

but our body restricted the mind, once and always 

such is life.