I stir the pot, fix the holes, and observe the reality as it is. Propagandist for hire.

Filtering by Tag: change

On Change

Added on by Ridzki Noviansyah.

Six years ago, I was just moving to Jakarta when suddenly my girlfriend at that time decided to have our relationship ended and she began to have another with one of my friend. So the circumstances surrounding me was not at all good, it wasn't the change that somebody expected to come when he/she move to another city. 

What happened next is history, my ex get married to my friend and here I am sitting by myself writing this, but I did learn one thing from the experience apart from I have a very high level of patience. I learned that change is always good, no matter what the outcome is. 

Change is always good because it moves you forward, it frees you from the status quo, expecting you to make mistake and amend for it. From there on forward that has always been my belief and one that I would like people to believe on as well. 

Now then, the question is would you jump into the waves of uncertainty and try to look your way or would you stay there in your comfort ?


Support the system shall we?

Added on by Ridzki.

As much as my own annoyance at the system, for it's sometimes confusing, complex, and repetitive. I still feel there's a need to support it, which could be done by improving the factor that is most likely to cause error in the system itself. the human factor. A system in for collecting print jobs in Monash University Malaysia, which I view as a solution for creating order (one person could only take his/her print job and not others) and for the helping of environment (If one person get the print that he/she needed than there is no need to print another set of copies thus it does not waste the paper)has been failed considerably.

As the new semester kicks in the number of students increased considerably and many still don't know how to collect the printing account (shown by many papers which are not collected by them at the end of the day), in which the explanation could be the information is not clear enough, or they are just plain ignorant (in which I hope they would change).

In the end, this is just a very small example in my life, there are larger problems in the world right now. I just hoped that, we all could support the system that is good, criticize ones that is had flaws, and taking the words of Mahatma Gandhi "be the change that you want to see in the world".


---------------- Now playing: Pelle Carlberg - Middleclass Kid