I stir the pot, fix the holes, and observe the reality as it is. Propagandist for hire.

Filtering by Tag: Bara Futsal

Lowlight Bazaar Vol. 8

Added on by Ridzki Noviansyah.

The latest Lowlight Bazaar Vol. 8 was held once again in Bara Futsal, Blok M. More variable tenants but most importantly the event has two exhibitions (one of them sell wet prints!) which highlight the importance of tangibility in photography. There's also our good friend from Unobtainium selling the ever amazing collection of photobooks.

Bara Futsal may not be the best place to conduct such events especially when it looked like kind of rundown but nonetheless the event still looking pretty attractive and strong even though it's the 8th edition. 

Will be looking forward for the 9th edition!