Ridzki Noviansyah

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Prime: The Way Forward Is to Take Two Steps Back

Yesterday some of the people that I follow on twitter is buzzing about a certain photo-journalistic class, the class is already exceptional because it's conducted in Rwanda, by the VII Photo Agency and conducted by none other that Gary Knight and Marcus Bleasdale, however people aren't buzzing because they are excited about the opportunity. They are excited because one particular sentence which appear on the announcement, which I paste here

This workshop will be conducted using digital cameras only. All students are expected to supply their own cameras and lenses. Marcus and Gary really encourage you to come with one body and a 35mm lens or equivalent and a spare camera and lens. Zoom lenses are not really encouraged.

Can you guess which one make the ruckus?

Hint: it's not the digital part.

Anyway I'll be travelling to Jogjakarta and because of that line in the advertisement, I have decided to carry out an experimentation with my camera and the photographs resulted. It's a call of revolution perhaps or a revival of a long lost idea.