As 2011 Passing I Resolute
It's been a bit late but a lot of things have happened and of course inevitable changes. As of 2010 finished I can say that I have finished the year with a lot of achievement, I travel a lot, I got my scuba diving license, I learnt a lot of things, meet so many amazing people and got my two marks and of course meeting her. However when 2011 come I have long decided that the year should be make specially for "return back to class" a term to denotes my desire to attend events such as seminars, discussions, talks or workshops, it also can involved to go to the library, read more books, listen more to people and become more open. 2011 also the beginning for a new project by me; De cLu tt ER 2.0, after I successfully finished 2010 with Project 365, but let’s not talk about the project here. I have a special reserve for that and will explain it there.
Therefore without further ado, here are the list of the 2011 resolutions, my 2011 resolutions
- Lost weight, I seriously need to do this. BMI wise I'm 28 which is already on the overweight side, so in total I will need to get rid of 13 kg of excess weight.
- Set Up and kickstart my photography business.
- Learn more, write more, read more, attend more class session and of course travel more.
- Get one of my photograph to be a magazine cover.
- Upkeep project De cLu tt ER 2.0.
- Make a portfolio website.
- Become a freelance writer/contributor for media.
- Print Project 365 Photobook and put them on the apartment
- Make over the apartment.
- Make necessary steps to secure the future.
- Create more photography projects
As you can see these are really differ between my previous resolutions, as these are more locally done rather than involving a lot of travel and adventure.
A sign of maturity perhaps?
Or simply I'm just getting tired?
Well anyway good luck for those in 2011, may life give you everything that you need and make you away from all the things that you want.