I stir the pot, fix the holes, and observe the reality as it is. Propagandist for hire.

Filtering by Category: Thoughts

As 2011 Passing I Resolute

Added on by Ridzki.

It's been a bit late  but a lot of things have happened and of course inevitable changes. As of 2010 finished I can say that I have finished the year with a lot of achievement, I travel a lot, I got my scuba diving license, I learnt a lot of things, meet so many amazing people and got my two marks and of course meeting her. However when 2011 come I have long decided that the year should be make specially for "return back to class" a term to denotes my desire to attend events such as seminars, discussions, talks or workshops, it also can involved to go to the library, read more books, listen more to people and become more open. 2011 also the beginning for a new project by me; De cLu tt ER 2.0, after I successfully finished 2010 with Project 365, but let’s not talk about the project here. I have a special reserve for that and will explain it there.

Therefore without further ado, here are the list of the 2011 resolutions, my 2011 resolutions

  1. Lost weight, I seriously need to do this. BMI wise I'm 28 which is already on the overweight side, so in total I will need to get rid of 13 kg of excess weight.
  2. Set Up and kickstart my photography business.
  3. Learn more, write more, read more, attend more class session and of course travel more.
  4. Get one of my photograph to be a magazine cover.
  5. Upkeep project De cLu tt ER 2.0.
  6. Make a portfolio website.
  7. Become a freelance writer/contributor for media.
  8. Print Project 365 Photobook and put them on the apartment
  9. Make over the apartment.
  10. Make necessary steps to secure the future.
  11. Create more photography projects

As you can see these are really differ between my previous resolutions, as these  are more locally done rather than involving a lot of travel and adventure.

A sign of maturity perhaps?

Or simply I'm just getting tired?

Well anyway good luck for those in 2011, may life give you everything that you need and make you away from all the things that you want.



De cLu tt ER 2.0

Added on by Ridzki.

I guess we're all sometimes a bit lazy right? woke up on Sunday just to be in bed for the next 6 hours or so, take no shower until 5PM and eat only leftovers from a week ago? No? Just me then. Before I went to discuss about De cLu tt ER 2.0 and its significance over 2011 (for me obviously), I'd continue to wrote about the root cause of this clutter. Laziness.

Over time laziness definitely will take toll, and on one aspect create clutter, put it simply your messed up home, workspace, work desk, bed, home screen in your computer, that sink basin, that shower room, that sofa and all of them are the manifestation of that laziness.

Then come along 2011 and blank resolutions.

In 2010 I can always argue that the build up of the clutter is due to one thing, "Project 365". now that it ended, it's time to fill 2011 with some sort of project and to begin is the De cLu tt ER 2.0


De cLu tt ER 2.0 is simply a project attempted to correct all aspect of my life and how I carry it in a day today basis, it is simply to make it work in the proper railway.

What's need to be declutter?

All! from the bedroom to my computer, from the apartment to the workspace in office, as small as my camera gear bag to my china cabinet, from all of that to my life in a general and specific term.


I will be the center of the project and the project executioner myself of course but with helps and inspiration from many people, animals behavior or systems.


Everywhere that needs to be declutter, from walking paths to my bed, to the "untouchables" like my mind perhaps or my views on everything.


Now here's a thing,  there's no time frame, this isn't like Project 365 which is simply a year long project. Project De cLu tt ER 2.0will start from 1 Jan 2011 till I reach another phase in life where it is deemed to create De cLu tt ER  3.0. So there's no way I can answer this with my current knowledge, but I should know exactly when the project should be started again if the time arrived.


To make things more organized that and to fulfill the increase in my obsessive behaviour in which I hope will not turn into a psychological problem for me.


Start small, from the address book of my email and phone, to my apartment then my office space and finally my life in general. It's a non stop process over time I guess.

But then everything needs a guideline and this is the "how to" on doing this project:

  • Delete the unnecessary, so that the necessary may speak.
  • Create and maintain a database.
  • Self discipline and willingness to upkeep it.
  • Reminder poster.

Yes, again it is an ambitious project but what the heck while in the end I can only say let's begin De cLu tt ER 2.0 and have an organized life, all.



A Review in The Middle

Added on by Ridzki.

Beginning of 2010, I write a comprehensive list of what my resolution for 2010 would be, among them are plain right ridiculous but still achievable (I believe) This time I want to review them and let's begin by looking at the list.

  1. Start on Project 365 and consistently keep it running.
  2. Be more accountable.
  3. Less procrastinating and be more productive.
  4. Save more money.
  5. Travel more!
  6. Live the healthy way.
  7. Try to cycle everyday.
  8. Try to cook everyday.
  9. Be more greener.
  10. Live without debts and Blackberry.
  11. Buy my sister a Spiderman notebook.
  12. Learn diving.
  13. Climb at least 2 mountains.
  14. Go to Halong Bay!
  15. Learn, Write, Read and Listen More.
  16. Know what I want and what I need as well as what I am worth of.
  17. Do the coming of age ritual: travelling solo!

And now let's see how I fare:

  1. Start on Project 365 and consistently keep it running. > Currently on progress
  2. Be more accountable. >Trying to
  3. Less procrastinating and be more productive. > Trying to
  4. Save more money. > NOT
  5. Travel more! >YES
  6. Live the healthy way. > NOT
  7. Try to cycle everyday. >NOT
  8. Try to cook everyday. > NOT
  9. Be more greener. > YES
  10. Live without debts and Blackberry. > Blackberry yes, debts NOT
  11. Buy my sister a Spiderman notebook. > NOT
  12. Learn diving. > Starting
  13. Climb at least 2 mountains. >NOT
  14. Go to Halong Bay! >NOT
  15. Learn, Write, Read and Listen More. >Trying to
  16. Know what I want and what I need as well as what I am worth of. > Perhaps
  17. Do the coming of age ritual: travelling solo! >Coming soon.

So out of 17, 8 is a No, suggesting that I will need to change something in my life, maybe drastically or dramatically depends on how I fit.

TLSD Street Photography-Reading Material

Added on by Ridzki.

What is Street Photography?

To define street photography is quite a challenge, directly based on the name, we can argue that street photography is photographs or images taken on the street, however it is more complex than its name. Wikipedia define it as a branch of documentary photography where the subject's is taken in candid situations. While the key word here is candid, not necessarily all candid photography can be street. Confused much? The one which makes street photography different than any other candid photography is the moment which we take the images which is called “the decisive moment” but more on that later.

There are few things that makes Street Photography unique. First, it can be taken by any kind of camera by any kind ofpeople.Cartier-Bressonmight be using a Leica M9 during his days, but somebody with a Blackberry or iPhone to say can also capture street photography nowadays. Second, the moment you captured can’t be repeated in time, true you can’t do this with any landscape pictures as well however you can always visit the place and take another stunning pictures or make it more creative than the one you did at the last time. Third, street photographer and photography care more about the detail on the images rather than the usual composition, exposure, and richness in colours heck the best street images is mostly taken in mono thus enhancing the details rather than captivating the viewers with the colours.

As been said before any camera can be used to take street images or as to put it on Chase Jarvis’ words “The best camera is the one you have on your possession”. Practically you will need these things to create your imagesratherthana70-200mm f/1.8 fancy lens; high observation skills, lightning reflexes, great sense of humour, a lot of imagination, plenty of patience and a dash of serendipity but the most important thing is to put your heart on every images you took.

The Decisive Moment

Before I talk about “The Decisive Moment” in street photography lets review what street photographer has to say regarding the photography and the process of taking the images itself.

“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice."- Robert Frank.

“Primarily Street Photography is not reportage, it is not a series of images displaying, together, the different facets of a subject or issue. For the Street Photographer there is no specific subject matter and only the issue of ‘life’ in general, he does not leave the house in the morning with an agenda and he doesn’t visualise his photographs in advance of taking them. Street Photography is about seeing and reacting, almost by-passing thought altogether.” - Nick Turpin.

By looking at the words above we can say that all the words justify that photography is indeed a very subjective matter, however there are still aspect that been agreed, that it is a form of a very beautiful art, regardless of what people might comment about it.

Now back to “The Decisive Moment”

Imagine the one day you get married with the person that your parent choose for you, you become a rebel first and argue with them but no avail you still get married, but on the date you decide to run with the person you truly love, that is the decisive moment, a split second decision which will make or break the whole picture in which in this case your life. Fortunately though we won’t go through to that extreme.

Let’s put that into photography senses, the decisive moment only show up in a fraction of a second like example of images I’ve shown in this material. On Bye by Hade Maulin, we can see that there’s a Somalian boys waving goodbye to him, however on the background we can see that there’s another boy waving at him, if he misses this and only capture the boy on the foreground probably the image wouldn’t be as powerful as the one he captured. The same with Jumping by Tse Seng, the image is under the very impression that the girl is jumping from the boat on the foreground to the one in the background, if let’s say he misses this he might still get a good picture but then not entirely striking as this one.

We can conclude then that “decisive moment” could not be achieved by simple snap-shooting or just any candid images. There are some level of discipline needed to create the images with decisive moment shown, as been said in the beginning as well we only need a dash of serendipity as compared to a greater amount of other things.

Tips and Tricks

Photography is a subjective matters indeed, however there are several tips and/or tricks that can be useful for taking great street photography. High observation skills, lightning reflexes, great sense of humour, a lot of imagination, plenty of patience and a dash of serendipity are all depended on you and your luck now I’ll explain all the other things that beyond your control.

1st You will need a camera, which is sound very obvious but I’ll add that you’ll need a camera which you know inside out. You should know how to get good exposure from it, you  should know its flaws like the shutter lag or the lack of image stabilisation and you should be always sure that you have a fresh formatted memory card and great deal of battery juice.

2nd Study the subjects, the places and the time when you’re taking your images. Imagine you wanted to take a street photograph in a cemetery at 3 AM, you might get something worthy to be photographed yes, but you will not fit the purpose on the first place. Remember I only said to study the people’s and places’ behaviour, you can’t really get stuck with your own with your mindset of what images you wanted to take.

3rd Practise, practise, practise. Go out, take your camera and get as many images you can take or go to exhibitions, read books and catalogues find inspirations in those and then take more pictures. You can join photosharing site as well, ask for critiques and questions. Never give up and keep taking em images.

4th Is to remember that the rules are there to guide you, but then it is up to yourself to find your pace, know which rules to break and keep. Be unique, be creative, 5 person can take 5 landscape images which contain the same composition and exposure at different times of the year, but if one of them put one element that break the rules, guess which one will capture the attention.

About A Girl and A Door

Added on by Ridzki.

I dedicate this story to all my friends, male and female alike. Even though I personally believe that I'd rather look what's behind me and not fixed with the door in front of me, I still want them to be able to write off their own stories. And I'll start with the most cliché statement known.

Once upon a time there was a little girl.

One day she took a stroll through the forest, passing the green grassy fields and the ever constant shades. She saw the rabbits and the foxes, She overheard the birds chirping while overlooking the pretty butterflies while picking herself some flowers.

She went passed the woods until she found a door on a walls which guarding the insides of mysteries, perplexed at first she decided to give it a look again tomorrow since the sun is tired.

She went back and over chicken and soup she told her discoveries to the men and women of her family along with her intention. Of course after this warnings were fired.

"You shall not go there again"

"As her siblings you of all people should keep eye on her"

Even though when she tried to explain and gain explanation.

"The point is no!"

Of course this was done of necessity, because they are afraid to lose her. To lose her black long hair, her small figure, her cherished laugh, her smile which melted the snow and her heart which is larger than the life.

But something grow bigger than her heart. Her curiosity.

Alice had always make her envy, and how she wanted to be her in the perfect world. So with few drops of sodium penthatol and her adventure kit (she kept it below her bed) off she goes to the forest.

"Funny there're no birds nor rabbits and foxes"

"It's because we're curious as well" because the animal are also dying to know what's inside the doors. "Alas evolution did not allow us the opportunity"

So when the sun is 110 degree to west, she found the door.



"Have a keyhole"

"and old of course"

That's her observation of the door she's so curious about.

So she peeped into the keyhole only to discover an eye peeping back. Surprised but returned to her composure, she knocked. First time. Second Time. When she about to knock again for the third time the door opened.

Standing before her is a boy, with dirt on his hands and face, golden hair and my what a pretty face. But still it's a boy she thought "annoying, dirty and naughty to say the very least"

"Who are you?"

"I am everything you wanted" "but not even the one thing you need"

Perplexed the girl asked "how is that possible?" "I don't even know you"

"I'll show you" said the boy

Then the boy showed her what's inside the walls, the stories about him and the history. The more he told, the more the girl felt something is growing inside her heart. Which makes her chest pounding every time and make her can't stop smiling.

She visited him everyday, and everyday the world seems brighter, like it was spring all year, like christmas happens every months and like saturday and sunday are there every weeks and days. Of course then this would have profound effect to whatever surrounds her. And she couldn't care less with the fact no explanation had been given.

And suddenly without notice, the wall, the door and the boy disappeared.

She fell into an abyss she created, she had lost her light for the world and the world as well had lost its light.

Years passed and no sign of the boy returned.

And no man or anything alike which can bring the light back.

Not even the prince on charming horses,

or the poet which befriended the words

or even the humble man whom offer her only with honesty and happiness.

Because she wants nothing except the boy, and the door to go inside the walls.

Finally one day she heard a call. So familiar, and only one person which can like that. The boy had returned. So off to the forest she goes, and find the wall she had along with the door. But instead of the boy she found a letter.

"For after you finished this letter you'll see what I meant, about what you want and what you need, because we're exemplary figures of your minds, figment of your desires. Like how you wanted to see a door and you'll see one. After you finished this letter, close your eyes, turn your back against the door and open your eyes again and tell your heart what you see, then chase out that what it seeks"

A Matter of Minds/of Parenting, Long Talks and Very Much Relationship in General

Added on by Ridzki.
I get angry with the mirror sometimes, because it's trying to define me.

I finally figure that out, these past few days, granted my volume of conversation I had with my parents is diminishing compared to two or three years ago, quality or quantity wise. This kind of situation then made my fear comes true, like after missed out your friends for a few years the moment you met them, they have transformed into this beings which you can't understand again. You remembered them for what they were, but the truth is they have developed and experienced much. So as you.

I began the talk by arguing why I can't learn from mistakes? why should I be protected and believe "what mother knows best" is the best for me. As always the arguments that my parents had are the arguments which I have heard plenty of times during the past few years and trust me, though the quality or the quantity is low, I'm still listening for what they have to say. Out of respect perhaps, but most probably because I'm a true believer that the purpose you had in this world is to learn about the things on the earth and beyond.

The talk expanded from minutes to hours and I can see clearly that my mother is tired, but I still force her to go for it. if it's not now then this will be dragged again into whatever time in the future. I tried to explain that things have developed for me, I had learn things from her sayings, from my experiences and the experiences of others. Stories would be proven to have the same effect.

Previously I had to explained to her that it is a vicious cycle for not believing that I had developed, which in the end she just keep repeating the same stories because she believed that I would still make the same mistake in the future. Worse than a donkey I might say. But then I tried to explain that this cycle is unproductive and only would be proven to make me sick of all the same sayings. Thus I began to explain things to her, I began to let go a piece of my minds I always keep for myself and the results are just awestruck.

She couldn't understand me. she said in her words, that I have become wiser, yes but I also developed to this being which is eerily complicated and advanced so that her minds can't follow my train of thoughts anymore. I say deeply in my heart, you are not the only person who thinks that way, I myself sometimes keep getting confused of myself. Thus explaining the opening sentences.

Parenting is tough yes. While I am a modern child of the universe, my parents are still this simple minded fellow whom I adore and envy at the same time. They've been blessed to be able to raised a child like me and my sister and I studying from them will try to raise my own child with a lots or bits of their teachings.

In the end, we make a pact. I will try to increase the quantity and quality of conversation, while her at the same time will also try to understand my behaviour and began asking about matters she's quite hesitate to ask at first. And I promised myself to learn to express it in a non-delicate ways, which is ok because of the learnings I might need to learn.

On Life

Added on by Ridzki.

Everybody asked about life and I always said the same thing over and over again, no matter what you do there are no right things or wrong things in life. It's just a case of moving forward, learning and struggling. Happiness is real when shared. So do share it with the world.

Make yourself happy. By worrying less about other people that have hurt you.

Live and let live. Because you only live once.

Make mistakes and be a fool. With that you can learn about all the new things.

Stay hungry and curious. Everything would not be served to you anyway.

Forgive mistakes people made. But never once forgotten about it.

And don't ever lose hope. don't ever be lazy to try.

Lucky those who die young, because they never taste the bitterness of the world. But the people who die of old age and have the chance to taste the world and learn from it are far more fortunate.


Added on by Ridzki.

In the past there was time where I desires something, in which it end up with I didn't get what I desires.mostly. And in turn I can accept that.

Now this heart desires again, and no I don't think I can accept if I didn't get it.

Because as bleak as the future is, I can feel that the universe have adjusting itself for this moment.

And if not, I'll let them know, that I myself will adjust them.

A Let Off

Added on by Ridzki.

Some people likes it when after a long day, they go to a bar, chit chat with their friends telling stupid stories and have a laugh. Others may smoke and drink coffee while having tapas.

Some go back have a sleep or slumped down watching DVD

or Some others writings about what should he/she should've done.

Either way, happy long weekend everybody.

To Embrace Changes

Added on by Ridzki.

ACCOMMODATING POINT,, Paulo Coelho wrote on 11FEB2010,, In one of my books (The Zahir), I try to understand why people are so afraid of changing. When I was right in the middle of writing the text, I came across an odd interview with a woman who had just written a book on – guess what? – love.

The journalist asks whether the only way a human being can become happy is to find their beloved. The woman says no:

“Love changes, and nobody understands that. The idea that love leads to happiness is a modern invention, dating from the late 17th century. From that time on, people have learned to believe that love should last for ever and that marriage is the best way to exercise love. In the past there was not so much optimism about the longevity of passion.

“Romeo and Juliet isn’t a happy story, it’s a tragedy. In the last few decades, expectation has grown a lot regarding marriage being the path towards personal accomplishment. Disappointment and dissatisfaction have also grown at the same time.”

According to the magical practices of the witchdoctors in the North of Mexico, there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for our having stopped making progress. A trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, disappointment in love, even a victory that we fail to quite understand, ends up making us act cowardly and incapable of moving ahead. The witchdoctor finds and gets rid of this “accommodating point”. To do so, he has to review our life and discover where this point lies.


Because, according to the story that we were told, at a certain moment in our lives “we reach our limit”. There are no more changes to be made. We won’t grow any more. Both professionally and in love, we have reached the ideal point, and it’s best to leave things as they are. But the truth is that we can always go further. Love more, live more, risk more.

Immobility is never the best solution. Because everything around us changes (including love) and we must accompany that rhythm.

I have been married to the same person for 30 years, but methaphorically speaking, the same marriage contains several “new marriages” during our relationship. Our bodies and souls changed, and we are still togeher. If we wanted to keep on as we were in 1979, I don’t think we would have come so far.

In my humble opinion:

I agree with the concept of changes and moving in the the part of our life, especially in the term of marriage or just simply living our life. but then again, but people are sometimes too afraid to move forward and just learn something new. They afraid to leave their comfort zones.

In our life we are controlled by several sets of rules which are given to us in various forms like constitutions, religious dogma and protocols, but it is our decision to break or upkeep those rules and to live our life like we wanted to be.


Because I believe we live only once and life itself it's a process of trial and errors. We learn something new and we'll discover something due to those changes. This will bring me to my next believe; changes in life are never bad, even though how scary it would be. This is simply because through changes you'll learn new things and by learning those things you'll have the experiences to teach your offspring how life should be lived.

The conclusion that I want to make is I'm all agree with Coelho with his point regarding the changes in life, the big or the small, the significant or non-significant and expected or unexpected. It's just the matter whether we want to embrace it or not.


Added on by Ridzki.

This is not about when I think that 24 hours is no longer enough for me. This is about myself hardly have time for me.

Juggling creativity, responsibility and to put it all into an activity with my company are leaving me often breathless.

When the only time that my sanctity is intact is when I am in the toilet cubicle.

Double edged sword I must say. Last time it’s company and activity that I seek, now it’s the tranquility and the ever rare serenity.

And yet after experiencing both, I still don’t know what I want yet alone what I need.

Start of The End of This Decade

Added on by Ridzki.

First and foremost, let us pray in silence for the former President Abdurrahman Wahid, which left us earlier yesterday. He may seems as a witty and emotional person, but he also the one that promote pluralism in Indonesia. Finally after not writing for quite some time (not because of the writer's block, it's just that at that time I only wanted to amuse myself) I decided to write again and due to the dates, what more can be best than writing your new year's resolution?

On my last ones I believe I have accomplished my resolutions but one, that is because the condition does not allow me to complete that, not because I did not want to.

So here I go with my 2010 resolutions:

  1. Start on Project 365 and consistently keep it running.
  2. Be more accountable.
  3. Less procrastinating and be more productive.
  4. Save more money.
  5. Travel more!
  6. Live the healthy way.
  7. Try to cycle everyday.
  8. Try to cook everyday.
  9. Be more greener.
  10. Live without debts and Blackberry.
  11. Buy my sister a Spiderman notebook.
  12. Learn diving.
  13. Climb at least 2 mountains.
  14. Go to Halong Bay!
  15. Learn, Write, Read and Listen More.
  16. Know what I want and what I need as well as what I am worth of.
  17. Do the coming of age ritual: travelling solo!

Much more than my last one, but I believe I still can fulfill this one. 2009 have teach me a lot, so I guess 2010 would consisted of more struggling. I only hope I can achieve a period of contentment in the coming year.

That's it, I'm off and Happy New Year Everybody!


Now listening to: Mew-Sometimes Life Isn't Easy


Added on by Ridzki.

A part of me would be very happy of where am I now. Another part would be very disappointed, because I couldn’t have the trivial parts.

After all the talk of the insignificant speck dust in the universe and how life is over-rated.

I am still a human after all.


Added on by Ridzki.

There's an immeasurable darkness in my heart, and it kept growing due to the uncertainty nature of the reality.


However, dark may it seems, uncontrollable may it be. I still refused to be controlled by it and may lights shine through eventually.

KL in A Flash

Added on by Ridzki.

"After leaving Malaysia for a year after my graduations, I finally went back to witness my sister's graduation ceremony. Congratulations to her and congratulate also for the rest of the young bloods. May the force be with you always. And this is a glimpse of KL that I'm able to capture during that short period of time."

Out of The Box

Jalan Petaling




Glitter 1


Dataran Merdeka

Kuala Lumpur Library






Empty Seats

A Retrospect

Added on by Ridzki.

Yesterday something that I realized from a long time ago, struck me back with a velocity I can't imagine. It was the thoughts that we yearn for support whenever we're down and once we're able to stand on our feet and move again we quickly forget that support. I felt like I am a dickhead, who takes things for granted, because I only yearn support when I'm down not once I wanted to share my independence with this support.

So here goes

I once promise myself in the past, "I'll devote my life to he/she who's able to lift me up, makes me move on,  laugh all the things and preferably to accompany me always". Now I can say, I've been lucky to found such person.

Not only I thanked her for she wants to help me around that times, I also very grateful for she wants to spend her days with me.

In a very sensical world she's probably the comforting sounds,  pleasing sights, sweet taste, soft touch and hypnoting smell. Yet above all it all did not make sense because she just suddenly completes me.


For those who asked.

Added on by Ridzki.

Never doubt me for my commitment on something, I may falter and fall but I will always return and fix all the mistakes I made.

The Wisdom and Knowledge of The Taxi Driver-part 1

Added on by Ridzki.

"In many parts of the world there's always the group of people who run the streets, both night and day. They interact with vast number of people of different characters, while they themselves are also a people of character, whom sometimes annoying, plain hilarious, shady, cool, educated or street smart. Some of them are very fond of speaking their minds, while others are very shy. These are the collection of the wisdom and knowledge of the taxi drivers, whom are kind enough to share and talk to me during my travel across Indonesia (mainly Jakarta)."

  • On the recent terrorist attack: "The xxxx must be the one behind the attacks in Indonesia and the rest of the world, just take alook at 9/11 why are most of the xxxx employees are taking leave on that day?"
  • On Indonesia's Independence: "Indonesia has it all. It has achieved its independence, it's a prosperous country, its beauty is unsurpassed, pity it lacks one thing. Justice."
  • On Swine flu or any other flu: "Isn't swine or the bird flu is created as a biological weapon? It's politics all along I tell you."
  • On the increasing number of AIDS patient in rural area particularly Papua: "There's only one explanation why the incidence rate is so much higher in Papua compared to Jakarta (in which has higher number of prostitute). The lack of education." ~ I added "as well as the low economic power"
  • On prostitution: "The prostitute along this street is really not a prostitute at all, they dress nicely not wearing any skimpy clothes yet often I see they're often being picked up by cars. Those who pick up must have a spare money on their sleeve, heck if I had some I'd probably do it as well"